
Landscaping – Jan to April 2005

Having moved to the house in January 2004, we been busy with the internal decorating and furnishing. The next big project is the garden, that we have big plans for over the next few years.

The house and garden occupy about an acre of land and is a shock to the system for a ‘townie’ used to a small patch of grass and a few bedding plants! It is South East facing and backs onto a disused railway line, called the Nicky line.

This year we have simply kept the grassed trimmed and applied for planning permission for the hard landscaping. which we have now received.

The garden is pretty much a blank canvas, laid to lawn with a small oak tree in the middle, providing the only focal point for the garden.

Ideas for the garden include (money permitting) 2-3 terraces rising from the house up to the Nicky line at the rear of the garden. a sunken area for dining or chilling that will hopefully block some of the road noise from the front of the property. A Greenhouse, A Summerhouse, A water feature (spanning two terraces) and An observatory. A pool would be great but probably too costly even in the long run.

This was a quick first cut view from the landscapers but is subject to change.

 The work begins in what should have been a 5-7 day job.

The grass disappears.

Good Progress is made as the JCB gets to work

It begins to look a bit moonscape like as lots of chalk is uncovered

Our own mountain

This first terrace looks good. just three more to go…

Things are taking shape. But we are now 14 days in and not yet

Well the Landscape company ‘Concept Garden’, had obviously underestimated the Job and decided they didn’t want to finish it, leaving me to find someone to complete the job just 9 week before our wedding. We found an excellent company called Garston Gardens who have been working hard to complete the garden.

Here are some snaps of the garden now. Grass is just beginning to grow. Look closely


And just about ready for our Wedding Day